My car….my new car!
heeeeey all, so these are pictures of my is Ford Focus 2000....really pretty car 100_0560.JPG100_0565.JPG
heeeeey all, so these are pictures of my is Ford Focus 2000....really pretty car 100_0560.JPG100_0565.JPG
And its 21-12 again One more year , its the same
so a comic artist with the nickname *spacecoyote , draw those 2 representation of Futurama and Simpsons , and the Simpsons picture has earned her a huge job opportunities. enjoy…
i wanna just introduce this song to the people who never is really good. Originally written by Bob Dylan, but then covered by Jimi Hendrix....classic rock from the 70s…
hey all, so this is a list of an excellent movies i have seen, in case you are bored and you wanna watch a movie... 1) Snatch 2)Lock Stock and…
Its My 5th day so far, slept too little , a 12 GB is the result , and with some great models too click to view full size anyone with…
click to view the list
This review is from the mighty RLSLOG , Thanks for the great Reviews as always, its a good game, and i liked it This game isn’t “low budget”, although it…
So here i am , enjoying my new set of cows , i just got them yesterday night from this amazing most wonderful person and i thought to my self…
i saw this on … (If you hadn’t figured it out, the comic is a repurposed “Dangers of Alcoholism” comic from the 60s or 70s.) click to view full…