Obama is currently asking people to vote on “Reevaluating Aid to Israel” on his website, change.gov, please give 2 minutes of your time to influence his view directly!  Go to:


By caddy

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8 thought on “Obama is asking YOU to vote on “Re-evaluating Aid to Israel””
  1. yuri , u r not in the jubilee almuni group? they sent it there. anyway, just to make a point clear. obama group did set up the site, but it is not THEY who suggested this vote, it is more of a forum where people can put the suggestions and others can vote for. there are multiple suggestions to legalize marijuana there and i saw one to legalize online poker to solve the economic crisis. there are around hundreds if not thousands of ideas in that site, so really not sure if any will be taken seriously, especially if any one in the world can share his vote.

  2. saad, the important thing here , is not if they took it seriously or nit, its about hearing what people think about this issue, for the past 3 days ive been reading the comment, this is the intresting part i think, it gives you what “jack” and “mary” think about the issue !!

  3. Am part of the alumni, but seems my spamgaurd is doing some stupid job these days!

    Actually I know that this issue is not likely to be resolved this way, but the interesting part is a documentary I watched about the American aid for israHell, they “the American” were soooo irritated!

    For instance, one of them was so mad at the fact that he has to pay taxes that will be sent to aid this shity country! At the time when the USA send israhell 5 billion dollars a year, many of the schools which needs money are being ignored, and most of the hospitals that needs money are ignored too!

    I would tell u, the Americans at that video were sooooooo pissed off in away I never saw before!

    In another occasion I received many apologies from American guys saying that their government doesn’t represent their ideas at all, and they were really asking us not to hate them, but just to hate their governments!

    U live in the states, I do not know as much as I do, but I think that selecting Obama reflects how pissed off are the Americans, they just keep wondering why their country keeps middling in every thing that happens world wide, and they are the ones to pay, because the governors are already rich, but the normal people are easily effected!

  4. Yuri wrote; I think that selecting Obama reflects how pissed off are the Americans, they just keep wondering why their country keeps middling in every thing that happens world wide, and they are the ones to pay, because the governors are already rich, but the normal people are easily effected!
    but the thing is, that Obama was representing a hope and he crushed it. He was represanting a peaceful America…
    I am furious at the humanity in general as a race. We are just destroying this world and shatter it’s peace because we are a geedy kind of bastards. And as for what you said about goverments being rich, I can assure you It doesn’t matter. They are not the one’s paying anyway…

  5. yea excatly, that is what am telling u, the gov do not pay but the ordinery people are paying! and the irony is that the governers are the rich and the ordinery are poor and in debt but they have to pay!

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