Thanks To Alaa and Amr for the great 3ozomeh

Thanks to hasan for the great Mazra3a

and thanks to Alaa for the great pics

here you go 😀

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104_2253 104_2178
104_2182 104_2320

To see All visit the Photo gallery , and do comment on them 😀

and to download all the pics as a Zip file, contact me to give you the link 😀

By caddy

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9 thought on “Jarash Trip”
  1. in fact the thanks is to Amr for his 3zoma , he payed for every thing .
    and thanks to Elúne for his organizing with Amr & Hasan .
    thank you all guys for making this trip unforgettable to all of us .
    guys your the best.

  2. do you know guys
    this is the first pictures for me in the website.
    I’m really happy about it.
    I feel that I’m more connected now.

  3. welcome, maybe if you show more connection maybe we will add you to the main page picture 😀

  4. hi everybody

    Do you belongs to that main Mafia gana ??

    it’s because i couldn’t understand who are you dudes !!

  5. [Comment ID #18640 Will Be Quoted Here]

    Nah, sorry to disappoint you. We’re here because we just don’t belong. Or maybe it’s the world that doesn’t belong around us.

    Are you back from Europe yet Odin?

  6. It’s a secret cult that rapes little cats and children in tents that are especially made for such purposes on the sides of some hidden streets. Once were linked to the Japanese Mafia but now are known to be followers of some new religion called the do-em-all.

    Or was that the other group?

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