Yes Thats the new advert for the minsitry of health in Jordan, I Loved it 😀

Do you know that , beautiful girls might have AIDS 😀

or Do you have any Dangerous Sex behaviors (Boy with girl) .. i really want to know whats The Safe Sex behavior ?  !!!

is it the type of behavior XZeeR used to do before the operation ???

Click to view full size , and enjoy 100% Class A,  Jordanian ministry of Health ****

By caddy

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4 thought on “هل تعلم أن الفتاة الجميلة جدا قد تكون مصابة بالايدز”
  1. check the spelling on SeverO! unless u fix it by the time someone reads it.. anyway is there any way to know statistics of how many callers ? or how many pretty girls calling for help ? that would make my day- a boring one ofc-.

  2. Hehehehehehehehe! I can not stop laughing! I feel like the writer is a 5th grader or was too shy to write the thing! omg XD that is so stupid!

  3. ye3ni 2e;i bet7aoel tgolna 2iah 2eno 2etha blagi bent 7eloa shagfeh betjanen wglatli 2hla wsahla tfathal meet mr7aba 2roo7 2na 2njan w2golha: 2etha sma7ti 2f7a9ek bel 2aidz 2oal!!!!

  4. nit bizkit, write in english, it hurts my eyes and my ego when i have to read letter by letter.

    and i agree with yuri, dude, that is sooooooo stupid, they actually wrote a good looking girl might have aids, what the ???? and they repeat some of the points in a very very stupid way

    are you sure you don’t have aids????
    do u think u have aids, or other sexual disease?

    do u have sexual activities?
    do u have DANGEROUS (hehehehhehehe) sexual activities, like male and male, female and female, and male and female ( why the last one is dangerous, i thought that is the normal one)

    do they have this flyer everywhere? i am glad they wanna fight diseases, but com’n they could;’ve done much better job. they should make it a high school class to do this ad as an homework, that probably will make it better

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