So yesterday was the day for declaring the winners of the prize, I had an invitation, but I did not read it till yesterday at 11:00 am and the party was at 12:00 pm, they said you must come 30 min earlier. 30 min were just enough to go there, but I do not know even where Ras Al-Ain is (shameful I know) and I was just getting out of bed. I was sad that I missed the chance.

Anyways, one of the teams that won was called MiDA. This team is a great one, I am working with them now on a secret project (not for dominating the world but it can be used to do so later) anyways I should tell you about the unbelievable project these guys are working on.

The story started two years ago when these guys (Dima “mechatronics engineer” and Ismae’el “computer engineer”) from the University of Jordan had to register their graduation project that Dima was thinking about it 3 years ago. Their project was on the human computer-interaction BUT without the white board thingy. Now this one was already done by Ketab Company (one of the former winners of the Queen Rania Prize). But these guys project is just to project the screen on anything without the need for the white board.

So they were looking for a professor to supervise their project, but no babe, all told them stop dreaming and go play away form here. They managed to get a professor at the end and the project WORKED. They won the IEEE prize for their term and another prize from the University of Jordan.

The project they used in the Queen Rania Prize for this year was an air projected screen, to make it easier imagine a flat screen without the hardware on it, just a thin film in the air displaying whatever you want (TV or computer). They won and placed 3rd according to Al-Gahd.

Now these guys participated just to gain the support for their unbelievable technology. They want to couple the air projected screen with their graduation project, to get an interactive computer interface floating in the air, and it is as they told me easy and already being done. When ever I get videos for them I will try to show it here.

Anyways, S3d brother Mohammad had won Google best online plan, so congratulations to him and to all of those who won.


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4 thought on “Queen Rania Prize for Entrepreneurship”
  1. Congrats man
    and glade that u joined them be el a55er, why didnt u update me :(:(:(

    and Yes Mohammeds Project was brilliant, u should hear what the Google MD said about the potential of it, he also took a personal interest in the idea

  2. sry severo =) but I Joined them last wednesday when Dima was back to Jordan! So I am not in yet, as they requested me to join the Jordanian engineers association.

    of course I wanted to tell u as soon as am in officially! It is more like a part job time, but am enjoying it!

    And wala yhmak the Project is to construct a machine that extracts water from air, such machines already exist but we are aiming to use a new technology that is much efficient than the current ones, and much portable too.

    Anyways, what was Mohammeds idea?

  3. not really, MiDA are there! I visit them weekly to show them what I have reached in designing this machine!

    But it is just for a couple of months! because there is a big possiblity to be leaving Jordan next February, and if I did then I will bring lotttts of doll cows! =) just believe me lots!

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