So yesterday we went to this festival in Al-Husain Cultural Center in Ras Al-Ain! “We” includes Yanal, Odin, DonAmr, TsoTso, Nader, Hajeeri and finally a friend of TsoTso. Odin called me like 9 days ago and told me about the Festival (although its ads are every where you go to in Amman) and told me that one of his friends has got an offer for the first day tickets, buy one and get one free. The ticket costs 20 JD so we had just to pay 10 JD.


To say the truth am not a fan of stand-up comedy, because I feel that it is too much to stay for a full hour in front of the same person. But I thought that Odin wanna go, and no one wanna go, so I will support him if he want to, the domino effect started and the guys joined.


Anyways, it was ONE OF THE BEST NIGHTS I EVER HAD! Unbelievable, although not all of the guys were known to us (we thought the ones we did not know, were just stupid guys). But they were funny that they’d made you laugh your guts out! Dame it!


It started with Dean (form the axis of evil) and he made quit funny remarks about smoking in Jordan and the habit of being late always! But then he became the introducer for the other guys, and he would make funny remarks between the sessions.


The next guy was called Nemr Abou Nassar, he is a Lebanese pioneer in the stand up comedy, but he was one of the funniest. He was making fun of Lebanon and war, specially the last war, and also of different things, such as waxing, women periods, and French language to name only few.


The third was called Meena Dimian, he was not very good actually, he made fun of himself for like the first five minutes, and then started talking about his problems as a Muslim in the states.


The forth is Amer Zaher, he is a Palestinian guy, who lived in Amman for a little time before his father moved to the state when he was still a baby, and he was damn funny. He was making fun of the Boaters (or the fresh out of the boat), which are new comers to the states. His family being his example of these guys.


Then came Mike Batayeh, an American guy of a Jordanian descent. This guy was REALLY FUNNY, making fun of his family too, especially the marriage thingy. He also made fun out of his father and mother for being intolerant, and of the Jordanians in general.


The sixth guy was called Ronnie Khalil, he is a funny Egyptian guy, who made fun of the problems he faces as an Arabic guy in the states, and the ignorance of people about Egypt, as they do not know that Egypt is an Arabic country. He also made fun out of the problems he faced with his family, like the marriage issue and so on. But he was a good dancer; he finished his part with joke about the hip-hop songs.


The 7th was a girl of Palestinian origins, now this girl is a miracle. She has a disease that makes her shake involuntary, but she doesn’t care at all, she even made fun of her self in several occasions, for instance when she said “Mskena” about her self, when she called her self as “Shakira” for shaking, and when she told us she went to refugee camps every year not to support them as people think, but to find a husband that would accept her. She also made fun out of the fact that she is touring the world with 7 guys, so the “Mskeen” is her father. But she told us that a guy had proposed to her, so Mbrook Ms. Maysoon Zayid.


Finally, it was Aron Kader turn, he was really funny. Making fun of Bush and Dr. Phil, also making fun of the addressing system in Jordan, where you have to tour Amman to find your destination at the end. He also made fun out of the 7th circle statue. It was a funny one, he either said a book making love to boys or a man making love to boys, I can not remember well. And he finished his part with his cousins doing a “Dabka” (he made fun of the dabka too).


Of course what is mentioned above is a sample of what they have said and done, the party lasted for 2.5 hours. The festival will last till next Friday, but the tickets are already gone, we hardly could manage to get ours at the first place.


When I stood up my legs where aching, like I have been running for 2 hours. We went to “celebrate” that night (as Yanal said it) in the little creaser. I really wished that all of you guys were there! But may be next time (2nsha2 allah).


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2 thought on “Amman Stand-up Comedy Festival!”
  1. I’m glade that you liked it , i can’t believe how everything happened , but you must know that the reason 4 all this is that donamr toke the car Saturday night.
    anyway , I’m happy 4 2 reasons
    1) the show was amazing
    2) you liked it guys

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