I dont know if you remember Hussein, He was One year younger, who knew Ill meet him that far away 7 years later 🙂
seriously amazed
(I met Hussein in Palo Alto during a Business trip, while he is bio-med researcher in Stanford (Serious Science)
I dont know if you remember Hussein, He was One year younger, who knew Ill meet him that far away 7 years later 🙂
seriously amazed
(I met Hussein in Palo Alto during a Business trip, while he is bio-med researcher in Stanford (Serious Science)
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jordan Blogs, Qwaider Planet. Qwaider Planet said: After 7 Years #Personal | Jordan Mafia → http://bit.ly/d1q5VZ […]
and here you r guys drinking apple juice.
too bad i don’t know him , i’ve never been to your school. i hope you had a good time.
Now, Did he or did he not study in China? Where did he get his undergraduate degree?
The China thingy I was told about by 3ez Al Deen Al Wa7sh