Again, I was obliged to stop checking the mafia for like 10 days. The internet connection was pretty sucky the last period anyways. I’ve been doing lots of presentations in my group lately. Afterall, I think showing off was what kept me moving. I’ve had lots of free time lately revolving stuff around inside. I will be spamming this site with them in the coming period. It hurts to just keep them to myself and I can’t find anyone else to share them with.  Lots of things seem to be bound to be changed. Oh, and I even got to write more poems 🙂 No more of that love crap (not that I don’t feel an urge to write more of that). It’s more about the real shit. Evenmore, I wrote one of them as a semi-song (Nasheed). I dunno how to relay the melody to you. Hopefully you’ll like that one.

In other news, I finally received what I’d call my first official payment for a work of mine. If things go as smooth I’d be making some more briefly. Man, w.e they used to feed us back there at Jubilee is doing its work now.


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4 thought on “Be Warned”
  1. so we’ll be witnessing an emotional vomiting in the next days ? for a guy that had his ” cohones ” examined ur kinda lame ! writing poems and such , even though i liked “elune ” but poems is gay , mkay !
    P.S : i saw tyranda whisperwind at wow , FREAKING HOT , daletni nos sa3a bafga3ha screenshots 😀 looool

  2. i did chose a tauren , but damn lame agility so went with the nightelves and i loved them! when u enter darnasuss and see the ancient of war! whoa that was amazing! and screw u fag when i meet u ingame i’ll bust ur orcish/taurinish a$$ !
    P.S: i really need ur help in alot of things fa log in u perv !

  3. ARRRRGH, i am becoming nostlagic ( i don;’t know how to spell) i am missing playing network games, or any games with human players that i know. i even dreamt about that yesterday. and damn it, now u r making me wanna play wow again.

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