here is this new game , and am proud to announce that the production is from Here Jordan , and more the company Quirkat ( , is operating inside the incubators of EHSC (EL Hassan scientific city) , and i know the owner of it 🙂


To know more about the game visit

By caddy

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15 thought on “سادة الصحراء”
  1. Are they trying to prove that they’re extremely dump by translating “Sadat Al Sa7ra2” to “The Empire of Ancient Islam”?

    This qualifies pretty much for an add spam.

  2. about the game its good news to hear about it , but whats bad about it is that its gonna be a strategic game , and i think its gonna be another age of empires look alike game, because i dont think they will add some new sweet functions to the game; only a new story with same concepts of old games, but i really do hope it turns out to be good .

  3. and whats wrong with EOE , a very sweeet game, today i went to the comp, and i saw the game in action, wanna hear a fun story
    so the comp that makes the game , copied and produced all the CD in dubai, so when they wanted to ship them back to amman, the freaking MF jamarek here in Jordan wanted to charge them 30 JD on each CD, so thats 10000 copies of the game, bs jomorook 30 JD, shayfeek keef el jamreek are bad MFs., and then u ask why WoW costs 60 JD in jordan while its 19.9 USD outside :S , its the freaking jamareek, that take all the money, and i still dont know what they do of all that money

  4. dudes, i looked at the site of it, it seems great, and it doesn’t look like real time strategy, from the description it sounds more like tycoon games, build ur business empire and sabotage other competitors, i may seriously buy it, and not download it as a kind of encouraging such things, sometimes i think that because all that download, not many new pc games are surfacing since it ain’t as profitable , but then i say ” nooooooooo it can’t be it”

  5. walla? hmm sweet then :D, and yeah i will buy it to encourge the gaming scene here, especially after what severus said that it costs them alot to ship them and stuff.
    and about AOE its an amazing game no one can deny, bas i meant that we need sth new not same old .

  6. السلام عليكم
    أحب أن اهنئكم على نزول لعبة سادة الصحراء في الأسواق وأرغب في الحصول على مراكز بيع اللعبة في السعودية
    ولكم جزيل الشكر

  7. guys, Severus and yuri, go find the game and tell mehow good it is, i wanna buy one, it says it is in the market since 22nd of august and it exist in jordan, tell me its price, com’n dudes, let’s do it

  8. nop man , mawjodeeh in all the arab world exp Amman, yet, ma 7alo moshkeleeh in the jamareek
    am gonna meet the guy CEO of the comp on sunday / monday, enshalla, am gonna ask him to buy 3 copies
    and ill upload u your copy enshalla

  9. نرجو معرفه معلومات اكتر عن اللعبه واماكن بيعها ويفضل عرض نسخه ديمو للتعرف اكتر على اللعبه وامكانيتها

  10. ابغى مكان بيعها في الرياض

    ما حصلتها

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