I think I will finally release some hardcopy of my first collection of poems. You can now have your own copy for the mere price of 99 piasters. that’s 4 cans of soda if you have math problems.
Add 50 piasters and you will get the extended version with the following features:
1. The real names used originally in the poems.
2. The censored vocabs that were changed.
3. 3 more poems that were removed for being somehow personal.
Post here, send email or call me at +968788268895
sh3r ‘3zal 3othree? u know this one where they show u how stupid they were zman?
Guess what.. I joined the “stupid they” club and currently working towards showing people that we’re still as stupid as we were zaman.
Btw, I have 3 missed calls. I’m pretty sure those were people wanting to order their own copy of the poems.
why u didn’t answer them?? call them back, besides, if it is true, sell them
I wanted to see my new avater! that is why I commented! nice stupid avater right?
Nice ya “Yuri”|
Enough talking and more buying!
And Severus I sent you the one u wanted. Any non-lame comments?
Yes, we need to taqlk, and i already paid for more poems, where are they ?>
I never received any money. I checked with my secretaries and they didn’t receive anything too