We are creatures of societies. Always reaching to hold as many as we can as close to us as we can afford. Ties are shattered for others to be connected, Ties are bridged for others to be struck asunder. Only those who break free, rather let go of these strings shall fall astray.. For an eternity helpless, lost yet free of their humane imperfection.


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2 thought on “Chronicles of a Survivor (10)”
  1. ok, i am sorry but can you stop doing this shit?!

    we are normal humans, living normal lives and we are gonna die around 60s ….

  2. no, I can not stop this shit.

    If the “we are normal humans, living normal lives and we are gonna die around 60s ….” is in anyways relevant to what I wrote then my intellect have failed me in understanding the connection. Please enlighten me

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