In the world of warcraft there are 17 major races. sry elune but that what I found and they are listed like this:

1. Blood Elves
2. Demons (Assorted Varieties)
3. Draenei
4. Dwarves
5. Gnomes
6. Goblins
7. High Elves
8. Humans
9. Naga
10. Nerubian
11. Night Elves
12. Ogres
13. Orcs
14. Pandaren
15. Tauren
16. Trolls
17. Undead

Some of them may sound strange to you and maybe you have never heared of them. Any way today it’s the time for blood elves story.

The Blood Elves, or Sin’Dorei (Children of The Blood), are a fraction of the remnants of the High Elves who survived the destruction of Quel’Thalas by The Scourge. They style themselves as Blood Elves in remembrance of their slaughtered brethren. At first they remained loyal to the failing Alliance in Lordaeron and its racist human commander in the region, Grand Marshal Garithos, who despised all non-human races. Despite the obvious talent of their leader, Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider, Garithos saw the Blood Elves as expendable and repeatedly assigned them impossible missions, ordering them to hold off major Undead assaults without any support from Human or Dwarven troops. Garithos hoped to use these battles as a way to gradually kill off the Blood Elves while also taking care of the main threat posed by The Scourge.

During one such hopeless battle against the Undead near Dalaran, a desperate Kael was approached by a contingent of Naga, a serpentine race descended from the Night Elves, and their general, the Sea Witch Lady Vashj. Vashj offered Kael the assistance of her forces and advised him to abandon the failing Alliance. Kael refused at first but was eventually forced to accept Vashj’s offer in order to win the battle and save his people.

Garithos discovered this ruse and used the event as an excuse to exterminate the Blood Elves. Along with his brethren, Kael was thrown into the underground dungeons of Dalaran to await execution. The night before the execution, however, Kael was rescued by Vashj, who had snuck into the dungeons through the sewers. Together, they freed Kael’s people, overcame the jailors, and escaped through the same magical portal Kel’Thuzad used to summon Archimonde to Azeroth. And there they came to land on the shattered world called Outland, formerly the Orcish homeworld of Draenor.

Here, Vashj revealed to Kael a startling truth: like the Naga, he and his people were terminally addicted to the magic that they had once wielded so effortlessly. The High Elves had drawn their power from the mystical Sunwell in Quel’Thalas for centuries. But once it was consumed by the Scourge, they had been left with nothing to sate their thirst for the arcane. Vashj promised him a solution if they could find her master, the renegade demon hunter, now part demon himself, Illidan Stormrage.

Three days into their march through Outland, they came across a Night Elven stronghold and discovered that Illidan had been captured by the Barrow Deeps Warden, Maiev Shadowsong, who had been hunting him relentlessly since his escape from Kalimdor. The Blood Elf and Naga forces rescued Illidan from the Night Elves who had taken him captive.

Once free, Illidan told Kael that his people’s addiction could not be cured but it could be fed and promised the Blood Elves enough magic — from demonic sources — to satisfy them if they would help him conquer Outland. The shattered world would serve as a new home for the Blood Elves and a refuge for Illidan and his Naga after failing to destroy the Frozen Throne. Ironically, the Blood Elves had contributed greatly to this failure, when earlier, at Dalaran, they had helped the Night Elves under Maiev and Malfurion Stormrage disrupt a spell that Illidan was casting to melt the glaciers of Northrend, the arctic stronghold of the Scourge. With no choice, Kael and his people pledged their loyalty to Illidan in the hopes of their survival.

Illidan taught Kael and the Blood Elves how to draw magic from demons to satisfy their addiction. Illidan, the Blood Elves, and the Naga, then liberated “the Broken” of the Draenei, exiled remnants of the Eredar race who had been twisted by demons and hunted almost to extinction by the Fel Orcs under the rule of Magtheridon, a Pit Lord who had ruled Outland since the closing of the Dark Portal. After closing the dimensional gates from which Magtheridon summoned demons from the Twisting Nether to bolster his forces, the three commanders, assisted by Draenei under the elder seer Akama, stormed Magtheridon’s stronghold in the Black Citadel and took it by force.

Moments after the citadel fell, Kil’jaeden, the Burning Legion’s last great demonlord and Illidan’s new master, appeared. Furious over Illidan’s earlier failure to destroy the Frozen Throne, Kil’jaeden was bemused that Illidan was foolish enough to try and hide from him in Outland. Illidan claimed he came to Outland to bolster his forces. Kil’Jaeden saw promise in Illidan’s new followers and decided to give him one last chance.

Under Illidan’s leadership, the Blood Elves and Naga then travelled to Northrend, where they ultimately failed in their mission to destroy the Frozen Throne and were defeated by Arthas and the Undead Scourge. The Blood Elves and Vashj’s Naga retreated back to Outland with Illidan where they established permanent settlements.

The remaining Blood Elves on Azeroth have reconstructed much of the forests of Quel’Thalas. They have turned to the Horde to help them find their way to Outland where they can once again be united with their leader Prince Kael’thas and receive the Golden Dream he has promised them.

Of the High Elves who survived the Undead attack on Quel’Thalas, the majority became Blood Elves. The Blood Elves dress in red and black garments and style their hair in ways that are taboo to the High Elves. They paint magical runes and tattoos on their bodies to ward off enemies or just look threatening. Many have abandoned traditional magic, and instead siphon dark magics from beyond the realm. Many Blood Elves are Spell Breakers and can steal and dominate the magical abilities of other spellcasters. A few have even become Demon Hunters. Blood Elves revel in the magic that they wield and show little regard for much anything else aside from their beautiful homeland. Some Blood Elves still maintain the ways of their ancestors as Rangers or Rogues; many more, however, have taken to the use of magics in whatever way their heart desires. Some have even taken to manipulating the Holy Light of creation as a source of power, wielding it as a tool for vengeance. Their hunger for magic is so intense that nothing can satisfy the addiction; a primary aspect of Blood Elven culture is to master their addiction before it consumes them. The unlucky elves who end up succumbing to their addiction are known as “The Winnowed.”

Though the Blood Elves and the former High elves were of the same race, one could easily tell the difference between the two. Because of the demonic energy flowing through the veins of the Blood Elves, they have glowing green eyes, which is an indication of their demonic corruption. It has been speculated that the Blood Elves will eventually change even more physically as a result of their reckless use of magic, similarly to the way the Naga and the Satyr were corrupted by their use of fel energies. However, this is very unlikely because the reason that the few High Elves that still serve the Alliance are pale is due to extended periods without feeding their magic addiction. As a result of this, the few remaining High elves who did not become Blood Elves will eventually be driven irrevocably insane and die. It is likely that if a High Elf fed his addiction his skin would return to the original deep tan with glowing blue eyes. Blood Elf eyes glow green instead of blue because of the dark magic sources they draw upon, which stems from demons rather than moonwells or other magic sources the High Elf would use.

Due to the reckless channelling of the vast arcane magic the High elves wielded during the pinnacle of their empire, the High elves developed an insatiable thirst for magic; this addiction if not fed will eventually result in insanity and later, death. Previously the source from which this thirst was fed was from their beloved Sunwell; a vast magical fountain constructed on an underlying node of power. The Sunwell was one of the most powerful magical artifacts in all of Azeroth. Radiated with magical power this artifact fed the former High elves with unimaginable magic powers. One dreadful day however the High elves were severed from the source of their arcane power and as a result, they suffered indignities and fell into darkness. In the High elves darkest moment, Kael’thas Sunstrider, the last of the Royal bloodline gathered the last of the remaining High elves, renaming them Blood elves in honor to their fallen brethren. He then proceeded to teach them how to tap into other ambient magical sources, feeding upon it to sustain themselves temporarily.

After the Blood elves joined Illidan and the Naga, they were granted powerful demonic magic that did not only sustain them, but strengthened them as well. They now revel in the source of their dark powers and have regained much of their former strength. More reckless then ever before these Blood Elves will stop at nothing to gain power, regardless of the costs. While the dark magic they now wield are enough to sustain them, the Blood Elves always look for more ways to boost their own power and do not hesitate to ruthlessly exploit any magic wielding creature, feeding upon its essence until only a shell remains, devoid of all life.
Their ‘thirst’ for magic may be noticed in The Burning Crusade game, which allows Blood Elf players to play as all the main caster classes; Warlock, Priest and Mage.

The Blood Elves are not necessarily evil, however they may seem hateful, reckless, and arrogant. Much like the Forsaken, they are a race that have endured many accumulated tragedies in recent times and are trying, if by desperate measures, to find their place in the order of things once more. Their unorthodox practices, however, have earned them several enemies and many more critics.

The Blood Elves are at the very least cordial with the Forsaken, as a former High Elf, Sylvanas Windrunner, leads the sentient undead and likewise strives to attain a place for her people in Azeroth. The Orcs, having been slaves to warlock magic and demonic corruption themselves, are wary of their new allies but will give them the benefit of the doubt with hopes for their redemption (this is the same reason Thrall allowed the Forsaken to join the Horde). The Tauren, though appalled by the Blood Elves’ magical addiction, share the Orcs’ viewpoint. The Darkspear Trolls, despite their hatred of elves, remain loyal to Thrall. The playable Blood Elves in the expansion have no affiliation with the Broken or the Naga, as they are those who have not yet joined Kael’thas’s forces in Outland; Instead, they have remained behind, to show others the way to their beloved leader, Kael’thas Sunstrider. In addition they seek to rebuild their former seat of power; their ancient capital; Quel’thelas.

The Horde’s hesitant reception of the Blood Elves pales in comparison to the Alliance’s outright rejection of them. The Humans, Dwarves, and Gnomes spurn their former allies as traitors to their cause, while the few remaining High Elves view them with both abhorrence and pity. The worst treatment of all, however, comes from the Night Elves, who are disgusted by the Blood Elves and view them as too dangerous to be left alive

Despite the fact that the majority of the Blood Elves lost their faith in the Light after the destruction of Quel’Thalas , they have found new ways to harness the divine power without the need for the years of rigorous study and faith in the light, normally associated with the divine arts. The Holy Light is not just a gift for dedication to the defense of Life, Justice, Truth, and Righteousness, it is a magical power, and as such, it can be stolen, harnessed and used as weapon for malicious purposes. Usually this divine power is only granted to the most devoted followers of the light, who wish to heal, save, and to sacrifice themselves for the innocent lives of others. The Blood Elves despise such teachings, which they regard as weakness, and instead now channel this stolen magic for their own twisted ends.

They manage use of The Light by siphoning the energies of a captured Naaru, a being that can best be described as The Light itself. Using their dark powers, the Blood Elves are able to bless their people with the power taken from the Naaru. This gives them the ability to become Paladins. While these Blood Elf Paladins, sometimes called Blood Knights, have nearly all the same abilities as those of the Alliance, their darker ties cause them to have a few unique skills.










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